Sunday, April 24, 2016

Week 15 Reading Reflection

I think that what stood out to me the most from this article was the whole idea and intention behind SKS. I didn't even know about this business until I read this article. I think it's really interesting how it is all a cycle and how people actually have the best intentions for others through their small ventures. I did not find any part of the reading confusing. If i had to ask the author a question I would ask "What do you think is the most crucial factor of financially keeping up with a non-profit business that is trying to help others financially?". I did not find any part of the reading confusing, I thought it was very interesting and I am glad that it opened my eyes to something new and important.

Final Reflection

What sticks out to me as the most formative experience in these past few months is the whole journey in itself. I think I cannot recall one specific instance that I can say was the most formative for me. My patience has been tested tremendously. Being able to handle so many things at once has really impacted my life as a whole. I am most proud of myself for always pushing through and toughing it out. The amount of effort I put into everything I do always shows and I am rewarded for it.
Yes, I definitely feel that I have moved closer to developing an entrepreneurial mindset. I see myself as an entrepreneur. However, I have a lot to practice and much to go over. It is far too extensive to just jump into it. I think that people assume being your own boss and creating to be successful is easy. It is not and it is also something I would like to advocate before people presume the wrong things about the responsibility being an entrepreneur entitles.
One recommendation I would make to the students that are going down this path is to have an open mind. One has to be open to failure and many downfalls in order to achieve the goal in entrepreneurship. I think the best thing to say about succeeding in this course is to manage your time wisely. It is super difficult to so it's best to make lists and prioritize. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Venture Concept No.2

Keeping in mind that I did not complete the first Venture Concept, it is safe to say that I am entitled to some room for error. 

            I know that there is so much opportunity within my field of service. I chose to give students a better way of transportation on UF’s campus. Keeping in mind that my service, Go-Go Rides, is a self service it makes sense that students are what make up the whole essence of my concept or business. Without them, it would be impossible to get my business going anywhere. I know and I state this with all confidence that my venture would not fail since students are the heart of it. They will be nothing but appreciative of my service. It is solely for bettering the lives of students, particularly UF students. Getting from class to class, meeting to meeting, or to anything important without the help of a promised parking spot on campus would not be of concern to anyone on campus anymore. There are thousands and thousands of students that feel the desperation everyday and there is not much that we can do about it, or that people think we can. I am very passionate about the unmet need of my customers and only wish to fulfill these needs, as they apply to my life as well. The difference between other ventures and Go-Go Rides is that customers are currently not satisfying their need of reliable and quick transportation from class to class on a daily basis. It is absolutely so crucial that students on our campus meet their need, considering that I too am a part of this community. In my opinion, this opportunity is absolutely immense. I do not believe that the “window of opportunity” will ever vanish or even decrease as log as our population remains and our parking lots relatively stay the same. It is absolutely impossible to build a space large enough for all of us to be able to park our cars at the same time. There are literally over 70,000 students in our community, which is a little ludicrous. I do not believe that we should succumb to the little or few resources that are offered to us. We should make the most out of opportunities that are presented in front of us through unmet needs. This is why I am so interested in this specific idea for a business concept because I know that it is not a temporary issue.

The innovation behind my self-service concept for my business is not radical. Go-Go Rides is a self-service bike rental that focuses on targeting UF students. Students will be able to rent on their own account with hourly rates. These hourly rates will rate from $2.50-4 per hour. It would be a little more to rent the skateboard since I feel they are more delicate. I am not selling anything; I am just providing a very convenient service for all UF students. I think that maybe rates will decrease more as it gets more popular.

Since there is not a service being offered already then I think it would be very easy to get the word out and advertise my venture. In this case, my innovation all depends on the way I approach how the design of the kiosk will be.

Elevator Pitch No. 4

In this last elevator pitch I chose to be even more enthusiastic than the last time. I also incorporated different factors that I've been thinking about for my service. I might have said um too much or paused at unexpected times but I really liked how I confident I was and how I didn't have to read off a paper or script anything before hand!

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Week 13 Reading Reflection

The most surprising thing in this reading for me was how extensive and tedious the due diligence evaluation is. However, I can only imagine how essential and useful it would be to a business owner. I did not find any part of this reading confusing, I thought it was very interesting and informative. If I had to ask the author two questions I would ask "Do you think that a business owner could get by without a tool like the due diligence evaluation?" and "What do you think is the best way to keep records clear and organized as far as finances and clientele go?". I do not disagree with anything the author stated, I actually really enjoyed this reading.

Celebrating Failure

This semester has been the most challenging one thus far. It has shown me what I am really capable of handling and I think the class that has challenged me the most has been painting. My patience has been tested beyond my comprehension in that course. I learned that if you really want something you are the only one that can help yourself. No one is going to do anything for you if you just feel bad for yourself. The best way to approach a difficult assignment or work of art is to breathe and experiment. Without failure everything would not be worthwhile. I am a very emotional person so it is difficult for me not to let my emotions take over and affect absolutely everything. I think that this class in particular has helped me overcome my fear of failing. It has shown me that there is only one way to go after making a mistake and that is up. I feel that I am definitely more likely to take a risk now than I was four months ago. 

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

My Exit Strategy

1) I definitely intend to sell Go-Go Rides in the next 5 years for a large return or something along those lines. I do not think it is worth investing my whole life in it and going to the extent to pass it down to my children.
2) I have selected this particular exit strategy because I do not intend to stay in Gainesville for too long. I think it is something that would work well if students ran it too. There are many options I think.
3) I had not thought much about my exit strategy until I saw these questions. I think that it will influence decisions or opinions from now on. 

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Week 12 Reading Reflection

What stood out to me the most in this week's reading was the intricacy in regards to the steps that one must follow in order to make a logical entrepreneurial decision within the venture. I didn't find anything confusing in the reading, honestly. And if I were able to ask the author two questions I would ask "What do you consider to be the most crucial decision in the process of planning a new idea for the venture?" and "Does one always continue planning these things or is it just by convenience?". I also do not think that the author was wrong about absolutely anything, I found it very informative.

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Amazon Whisperer

  • My revenue drivers for Go-Go Rides are students specifically. By renting bikes on campus, they are the ones that would keep my service running through the income i receive.
  • I think that my service is very simple yet impacting. The next thing that customers would probably want is a mode of transportation besides a bike
  • I think that having something else to rent besides a bike to get around on campus would improve the popularity of my service, it would vary customer switching costs but not to the extent that it wouldn't be affordable. 
  • I would probably go for a skateboard for rental besides bikes 

  • This product has almost five stars and since I do not know much about these boards I was automatically drawn to the one with the highest ratings. Very few were unimpressed with this specific board. Apparently those who gave it the highest ratings said that it is very sturdy and reliable. Others say that the wood was absolutely terrible and that it broke very easily. Regardless, it was agreed (even in the critical reviews) that it was a good beginners board, which might be a good thing.
  • I do not know the first things about skateboards but if i had a way to make them a little faster or maybe more convenient to carry around i would.
  • I think that this product would make a good addition to my service because it would increase the popularity of my service and it would demonstrate how I want to reach all types of people and make an impact, not just bike lovers. I am aware that there are people who cannot ride bikes but maybe they can get the hang of a skateboard!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 11 Reading Reflection

I think that what was most surprising to me in this reading was that the big problem in the picture is that many companies fall into the trap of following the big innovators at the moment. Until i read this article, I did not realize that so many companies fail at keeping up with what kind of innovation would make them the most successful because they are just keeping up with the "trend". I found this article very interesting and absolutely nothing was confusing for me, just surprising more than anything. If i had to ask the author two questions, I would ask "In your opinion, what is the best way to approach someone who is stuck as far as exploring new ways of innovation goes?" and "Besides incorporating innovation to be successful, what do you deem as a very important factor for a successful business or company?". I do not disagree with anything the author said, I fount the article to be very informative.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

Donations: Financial Capital
  • A lot of my financial support and ability to launch Go-Go Rides will come from those who care about the wellbeing of UF students and who have the capital to do it in the first place. It is rare in the aspect that not many people solely rely on donations for their start-ups. I think that this is only imitable if one has something worth donating to. It is not easy to get others to donate to or invest in startup companies/services. There are means of financial capital and support such as loans ad out of pocket money but it is not easy to obtain or pay back.
Student Volunteers
  • As a service that is specifically for students, I am positive that students will be more than willing to volunteer and help set up kiosks/transport things. I do not think this is rare because students volunteer all the time and are more than willing to help others most of the time. Using student volunteers as a means of efficient/affordable production is definitely imitable but there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, there are other ways that i would be able to transport everything and make sure everything is running smoothly but not as affordable and practical
  • To spread the word and let students know about my service. I think it is rare because my brother would be the one behind all of this. I think it is imitable to a certain extent but it would be difficult to copy because it is so specific.There are definitely other resources that could provide me with the  same benefits but nothing gets better than having a family member help you out
Student Customers
  • I think it is rare to have such a specific service that solely targets students. It is valuable because there is no better feeling than being able to help those who are in sticky positions as far as transportation goes. It would be easy to copy but then again it is encouraged. I do not think that i could get the same benefits obtaining this resource elsewhere or from other people. 
Efficient finance handling
  • I think I would be very wise with how I use the donations and/or capital that I choose to use for Go-Go Rides. Ever since I was a little girl I have been very careful with how I spend money. I consider myself to be very responsible in that aspect, which is very rare. I could hire someone to monitor these finances for me but I feel that I am more than capable in doing it myself. 
Part-time jobs
  • All this time I have believed in a self-service kiosk for Go-Go Rides. I have realized that having at least one student at a time to help others would be much better. Not only would they monitor those renting the bikes but they would make sure that the honor code is always followed. Also, if anything goes wrong they could be there to help. My service would provide jobs but it is rare because it would be for students only. I could use other people but I think that it would be an easy and flexible schedule which could benefit students more than anyone.
Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • This is valuable because we would be helping the environment as well as our own bodies. This is very rare and I think it would be awesome if other people were so influenced that they decided to implement this kind of business elsewhere or in their own campus, if they are not UF students. 
Digital Charge
  • All charges would go to a students Gator 1 account. This way it is easy and one does not have to worry about having the money right then and there. There would be no paper involved in the transaction, in any way shape or form. This is not rare anymore because many services do this now a days but it would be very environment friendly, which is the point of the service in the first place.
  • As nice as it would be to have brand new bikes, I think that people will be more willing to help if they can donate older bikes. The money we receive from donations would go to the repairs, instead of spending so much money on a completely brand new bike. This is definitely rare and many self-service or bike rental services do not start up this way.
I think that my most important resource is the donations both financially and physically. The money donated would go towards the repairs of the bikes donated. So these two resources work hand in hand and I think that It could go very successfully if done correctly!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wee 10 Reading Reflection

What I read that stood out the most as different from my expectations in this reading was that in the broad spectrum of things numbers are such a bigger part of sustaining ones own business and making sure it is successful. It seems to me that it is not inexpensive and it requires a lot of understanding. Personally, I am not someone who handles numbers very well so it is kind of scary. Regardless, I am sure that it is a skill one who applies themselves will acquire over time. I found all the information in this reading to be very straight forward and very well explained. I didn't think anything was confusing. If i were able to ask the author two questions I would ask him "What are specific instances or things that could cause the Accumulated depreciation of building to increase or be actually put into place?. Also, "Is this a common occurrence within businesses?". I personally do not think that the author was wrong about anything. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Unfortunately I did not do the second elevator pitch but the feedback I received from the first one was very helpful regardless. I was a lot more enthusiastic, I did not look at a paper or anything to guide me for the most part and I was a lot more specific about how Go-Go Rides would actually work.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1) I think what makes me different is that I do everything out of love. The amount of patience I have is ridiculous, sometimes I am even surprised. It takes a lot for me to get angry and I never choose to let someone down. If it happens it is because of something unfortunate or out of my control but I try as hard as possible to always put others before myself. I think I care a lot, maybe sometimes too much but it is better than not caring at all. Regardless, I always need things to be perfect which drives me crazy at times because not all things can be. I also feel that my creativity is very diverse and I can adapt to many situations, I try to solve problems as fast as I can and always try to be happy no matter the circumstances. 

This video is of my roommate, Cristal. She believes that I am a dependable and reliable person. She also thinks I am motivated and ready to change anything in my life if it does not benefit me. 
This video is of my friend, Juliette. She thinks that I am different because I am independent and kind. Like Cristal, she says that I am reliable and willing to help others. Like I mentioned in the first part, she also says that I care a lot, which sometimes leads to freaking out because I need things to be perfect.

This video is of my roommate Arianna, it is very short but she feels that I am a very friendly person and I can adapt well.
This video is of my friend Michelle and she feels that can easily make someone feel welcomed and that I put others before myself.

3) I definitely think that my interviewees understand me very well and are right about me. They seem to understand that I have nothing but good intentions and how much I care about them! It makes me really happy and I do not think that I would change anything that I said about myself in the first part of the exercise.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 9 Reading Reflection

The biggest surprise for me in this week's reading is was that there are three different philosophies for marketing among new ventures. The one that i disagree with is "production-driven philosophy". In my opinion, it's too risky. I did not find anything confusing in this reading, it was very informative. If i had to ask the author two questions I would ask "Do you agree with the production-driven philosophy?" and "if you do, in what kind of scenario or for what kind of business would this type of philosophy be really successful if applied?". I do not disagree with anything that the author said. I felt that this reading was very relevant and a lot of it were things that I was already knowledgeable about.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) I am someone who cares a lot about people. I always put others before myself and try to make an impact in people's lives. I am someone who is very creative, considering I am a Visual Art Studies major. I see Go-Go Rides playing a role in my life for the better. It would help all UF students tremendously, this way I can impact every single person that uses my service.
2) With Go-Go Rides I am offering an easier way for students to get around more efficiently all around campus. I would solve unmet needs by facilitating getting to class on time. It would really benefit everyone on the UF campus with a Gator 1. Anyone with their Gator 1 would be able to rent bikes all around campus for a low cost.
3) I am offering my service to anyone on campus with a Gator 1, specifically students. Students who are not so good at managing their time or maybe just have bad luck with the bus system. 
4) There is no reason why any UF student would not appreciate my service. I think it would be very beneficial to all students. They would care for my service because it would be provided at a very low cost and it would be very easy to use as well as accessible. 
5) I think that I am very driven and my ability to help others and be involved with the community is special. 

I definitely think that all of these elements fit together. There might be something like this that already exists but not many know about it and it is not something used by many. I would like to make it popular and make it an actual service that all students are aware of. I do not think that there are any aspects which are weak or out-of-joint with the others. I am very eco-friendly and care just a much about the students at my university. I wish to make an impact all around. 

Feedback memo:
  1. Students appreciate the idea 
  2. Students hope to see this idea be put into effect 
  3. Some students believe that this type of business or service might already exist somewhere on campus but it is not well known or used so I should go for it!
  4. Unmet need for many on campus
  5. It would solve many problems for students

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

1) The biggest surprise for me in this reading were all the different types of financing. The one that stood out the most was the equity financing. I think it's great that it's the complete opposite from debt financing since it is money that one does not have to pay back or any interest. What shocked me is that the entrepreneurs must give up a part of the ownership.
2) I did not find any part of the reading confusing
3) If I were able to ask the author a question I would ask "Is equity financing worth going through, even though one must give up part of the ownership to the business?".
4) I do not think the author was wrong about anything, i do not disagree with anything i read for this week's chapter. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Half-way Reflection

1) The behaviors I have used to keep up with the requirements of this course include lots of time management and thinking outside of the box.
2) As a student taking 17 credits, involved in extracurricular activities, and with a job I can definitely say that there have been plenty of moments in which i felt like giving up. The only thing that pulled me through was constantly reminding myself that I am in this no matter what and that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I know that all this hard work will only pay off in the future. It has not been easy but it so worth it. Believing in yourself is the most important factoring in being a successful student.
3) Three tips I would offer net semester's students about fostering the skills that support tenacity and developing the 'tenacious mindset' are to 1) Manage your time wisely. Write everything down and take one day at a time. 2) Don't overwork yourself, you'll regret it later. Yeah school is very important but without your health there won't be any school to look forward to. 3) Stay strong and make sure you complete things on time. Don't procrastinate!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection

The biggest surprise for me in this reading was all the different types of segmentation and how customers are heavily influenced and impacted. The only thing that confused me was how non-demographic segmentation is no longer seen as necessary or even useful. If i could ask the author two questions I would ask "What do you think is the most effective way to gauge a customers attention enough to make them solely rely on a company/business?" and "What advice do you have for business starters who are trying to stick to one type of segmentation?". I did not find anything that stood out enough for me to disagree with the author.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 6 Reading Reflection

1) The biggest surprise for me in this reading was that there are different forms of competition that can hurt more than they can help. Many times I think that competition is a good thing yet I rarely stop and think about the consequences it can have. I didn't think that anyone would ever pay so much thought to that.
2) The only thing that was confusing for me in this reading was the barriers to entry section.
3) I do not have any questions for the author for this weeks reading
4)I do not think that the author was wrong about anything in this reading. It was very informative and definitely not opinion-based so i cannot say that I disagree with anything.

Customer Interviews No. 3

Unfortunately I only got around to interviewing two people for this third round of interviews. I hadn't done neither of the two previous rounds. I think that asking specific questions would have been better and i would have gotten more insight into what people thought about my Go-Go Rides idea. However, I enjoyed getting blunt and straight to the point answers after handing them my index card with my business idea on it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) I am a Colombian first-generation student pursuing a visual arts studies BA with a double minor in innovation and entrepreneurship. As the daughter of an artist, I am someone who has learned to be patient and a perfectionist in all I do. I have many aspirations other than in my position in the art world. I want to be someone who can help others and facilitate lives. I think that Go-Go Rides would play a role in my life in the sense that it would fulfill helping people through providing transportation for students. 
2) My business targets a specific group of customers: UF students. I'll solve students' unmet needs by providing an alternative and easy mode of transportation. Being able to rent bikes in several places around campus will make everything ten times easier for students.
 3) As I previously stated, my customers would all be students. Only people who attend UF and have an active Gator 1 Card can rent the bikes on campus.  
4) I believe that my solution is valuable to all my potential customers. I think that they would actually pay money to use my service because it is only benefiting and applies to every UF student, whether they live on campus or not. I mean, who wouldn't want to get to class on time without a doubt?
5) I think that this idea has been though of by many but has not been implemented. What sets me apart from everyone else is that I believe in myself and that possibilities are endless. If i put my mind to something, I won't quit until I obtain it. 
In all honesty, I do believe that all of the elements I plan on incorporating in my business fit together. As a determined and motivated person who has nothing but good intentions, a business to solely help students like myself is nothing but a reward. I do not think that there are any weak aspects to my business idea. It will benefit all students, day and night. I think it could really impact the way the University functions on a day-to-day basis. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 5 Reading Reflection

What surprised me the most in the reading was the charts showing the external and internal problems that entrepreneurs experience. As a visual it was really successful in getting the information across. The only part of the reading that I didn't quite understand was when the author was explaining the feasibility approaches. If I were able to ask the author two questions I would ask "Do you think that it's possible for the problems in the list of "Types and Classes of First-Year problems" to prolong and be present in further years if the company/firm succeeds?" and "In your opinion, should an entrepreneur wait to get started on a business or enterprise if they do not have at least $100,000 to start up?". I would ask the author these questions because I would like to get an opinion from someone who is so knowledgeable about this subject and knows exactly what one should do in entrepreneurial situations. Personally I do not think the author was wrong about anything, I like the way he breaks things down and supports his facts with research. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.1

The name of my business is Go-Go Rides. It facilitates the lives of UF students. There will be multiple kiosks around campus that provide bikes available for rent at low hourly costs. Students will be able to pay with their gator 1 and will be allowed to rent and return as needed. Instructions will be provided at all kiosks to prevent confusion and/or troubles. Waivers must be signed by first time users so they can be aware of consequences of lost/stolen bicycles. This will help the environment and help students get around campus easily without having to worry about parking or bus schedules.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

Week 4 Reading Reflection

The biggest surprise for me in the reading was how there are different phases regarding the creative process. Everything in the reading was stated pretty straightforward so i didn't have a problem with understanding. If i were able to ask the author two questions i would ask "Do you often have trouble with a "muddling mind-set"? and if so, "which one applies most to you?". I would ask these questions because I'd be interested in seeing how even someone who knows so much about being a successful entrepreneur has their ups and downs. I do not think that the author was wrong about anything either. 

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Top 5 World Problems

1) Global Warming
2) Pollution
3) Starvation
4) War
5) Poverty

1) Implementing more laws about littering and just caring more about our environment. Refraining from throwing things where they don't belong and letting out harmful things out into our environment
2) Going green such as using reusable resources for energy and finding different modes of transportation
3) More stable governments and with more generosity from the people who have more than enough
4) People could give more and take less, for example donating. It would make a huge difference if we weren't so selfish
5) A simple solution would just be for countries to make amends with each other and promote world peace

I selected my top-problem as Global Warming because it doesn't just affect a specific population it affects every single human being on this planet everyday. Even if people do not believe it and keep contributing to this problem, it is still happening and ruining our planet more and more each day.
I also think that my top solution is the most implementable because with petitions and more convincing we can create more laws about littering to help reduce pollution. People will feel obligated since there could be consequences for their stupid and selfish acts towards our environment. 

Week 3 Reading Reflection

What stood out for me the most as different from my expectations int the reading was the section of the dark side of entrepreneurship. It was probably because the reading was mostly discussing all the attributes that an entrepreneur possesses. First it introduced all the happier, lighter things that entrepreneurship stands for and then it got into all the risks such as financial, career, etc. I do not think that I found any part of the reading confusing. If i were able to ask two questions to the author, I would ask "What do you consider to be the most effective form of stress relief?" and "Which of the 4 Entrepreneurial Egos would you consider to be the most impacting?". I do not think that the author was wrong about anything and I don't disagree with what she or he said.

Identifying Local Opportunities

Opportunity 1: 
  • Airlines cancel thousands of flights as big storm advances
  • This article tells the story of thousands of flights that were cancelled this week, mostly on Thursday and Friday, all over the Eastern U.S.. Many airlines hope to be up and running once again on Sunday. Since Saturday is the slowest day in most airports, it gives those in charge a chance to get things together and prepare for the busy day that Sunday will most likely be.
  • The problem is that a blizzard affected all of the Eastern U.S. this week. Due to this unfortunate, unforeseen and uncontrollable climate change, a huge amount of flights had to be cancelled. Many were able to reschedule their flight but due to the inconvenience others just had to cancel.
  • Those with this problem are people trying to fly from one place to another. They are probably exhausted, jet-lagged, freezing, or just simply annoyed. Many travel in groups of friends, family or just by themselves. Whatever the case, I am glad that I am not stuck in an airport because of the weather.

Opportunity 2:
  • Knockoff-cigarettes pipeline sends man to prison
  • Gaurav Jayaseelan trafficked more than 51,500 cartons of counterfeit cigarettes to the United States from Dubai and India. It was worth more than $5.5 million. He was arrested in August and will spend 16 months in jail, after he will be sent back to India (his homeland). 
  • There is more than one problem in this story told in the article. Besides it being wrong that this man, Gaurav, trafficked counterfeit cigarettes, there is also an issue with the "sin-tax" that is normally imposed on consumers by Goverment tax coffers. However, the major problem is that there was dangerous levels of arsenic and other toxic substances such as metals found in these cigarettes. The packaging is all too believable and people have no idea what they are consuming. Cigarettes are already deadly but these just speed up the process.
  • The consumers have the problem because they are being affected negatively by these counterfeit cigarettes in every way possible.

Opportunity 3:
  • Dole salad recalled in Florida, 20 other states after deadly listeria outbreak
  • Packaged kits of salad by Dole sold all over the U.S. has been taken off the market and discontinued due to the fact that about 12 people have been hospitalized because of the lettuce. Although other facilities have not been linked with the outbreak of listeria in the salads, they are still withdrawing sales from more than 20 states and three Canadian provinces. 
  • The problem is that there have been several people affected by the listeria outbreak because of Dole. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stopped all the Dole production in many places so that definitely ruins Dole's reputation and income/growth as a corporation. 
  • Dole has the problem as well as those that were affected by the deadly Listeria outbreak.

Opportunity 4:
  • Chip Southworth: Cultural Council's call for artists 'screwed my entire art community'
  • Chip Southworth, also known as Keith Harring's ghost, is a local artist in Jacksonville who does streetscape art. He convinced the City Council to allow this art on public property. Now, they are paying other artists to complete six projects in Downtown Jacksonville. Many artists have been thrown under the bus now because all the attention and money is being drawn towards these specific artists that were chosen for these projects. Southworth has ranted away on social media and is very unhappy with the high bid for these projects.
  • The problem is that many local artists in Jacksonville, such as Chip Southworth, have gotten arrested and fined for streetscape art on public property. Now, it is no longer illegal and on top of that, the City Council is not just letting it slide by but they are also paying hundreds and thousands of dollars for "worthy" artists to make streetscape art on public property, or so called projects. Artists like Chip are now left in the dark. The worst part is that he was the one who convinced the city council to allow it in the first place. 
  • Chip Southworth and all other local streetscape artists in Jakcsonville

Opportunity 5:
  • Hoverboard explodes inside home
  • Many of the hoverboards used all over the country have been causing problems, injuries and explosions. Although no one was injured in this particular explosion of a hoverboard, it still lit a chair on fire and burned the carpet.
  • The problem is that the hoverboards are exploding constantly and although it hasn't severely injured anyone, there's a huge possibility that it could. At this point it's probably just been luck for most using this hoverboard. 
  • Those with this problem of exploding hoverboards are those who use it and those around them, it could easily injure them. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

World's Biggest Problems

  • Starvation
    • This ongoing problem is inhumane to say the least. It's incredible how millions of people live like kings and queens, yet the last thing they think about is how to help those who need it. Over the years there have been many attempts to fix this problem but it's spreading too quickly. Whether it's due to climate change or just poverty, millions of people are suffering everyday. It's really sad and I can't say that it could ever be something humans could resolve. Regardless, people could give more and take less. It would make a huge difference if we weren't so selfish. 
  • War
    • This has been happening as early as history can tell us. Even though it has been occurring for so long, it doesn't seem like it will ever end. A simple solution would just be for countries to make amends with each other and promote world peace. It could be possible but in this world there is too much cruelty imposed by those who run it. 
  • Terrorism
    • I have known about terrorist attacks just as long as I can remember. This universal problem has caused so many changes in countries all around the world. With the access to so much technology and all types of weapons, it has become easier for us to be exposed to it. I think that an implementable solution would be to increase the national security globally and for everyone to believe in the equality of all religions.
  • Racism 
    • This is an ongoing problem affecting all races, it's not just an issue between blacks and whites. Many people believe that teaching our children to practice kindness and accept others, no matter their race, religion, ethnicity etc. can stop prejudice of any kind. I agree with this and push forth for those around me to follow this as well.
  • Gender Equality
    • This is an issue that can be seen in multiple aspects of life. However, it's usually concentrated around what a man or woman is entitled to do or be. There shouldn't have to be a predisposition to this. Everyone should be granted to do as they wish and judged as a human being (if ever), without taking their gender into account. The solution would be to think as a human only and set aside all that has to do with gender. Many fail to see things in this perspective and are still confused that women can be just as powerful as men, vice versa.  
  • Economic Instability/Poverty
    • Poverty can be seen everywhere, even in the most popular or beautiful places all around the world. Many have different definitions of poverty but the matter of fact is that it means to live without being able to fulfill your needs in a successful manner. Others believe that you do not need absolutely anything and you can live happy if you let yourself. This could be resolved with more stable governments and with more generosity from the people who have more than enough.
  • Pollution
    • This global problem affects everyone and everything. It affects our planet, our future, and our well being dramatically. It is so crucial and there are many places around the world where people cannot even go outside without protecting themselves from the environment. We can solve this by implementing more laws about littering and just caring more about our environment. Refraining from throwing things where they don't belong and letting out harmful things out into our environment can go a long way.
  • Global Warming
    • Although it is very similar to pollution for many, global warming has absolutely nothing to do with littering. It strictly relies on our ozone getting destroyed by the chemicals we release daily into our atmosphere. We can resolve this by going green such as using reusable resources for energy and finding different modes of transportation.
  • Animal Extinction
    • The extinction of a species affects the balance of our ecosystem. We depend so much on the functions of animals. There are many that are sacred to specific cultures. A way to solve this is by stopping hunters from killing endangered species.
  • Suicide
    • The standards of society today are ridiculous. Society makes many people feel like they are not enough or that if they cannot meet the things that seem "cool" then it's better for them to just kill themselves. I feel like a possible solution could be to encourage more self love and acceptance in schools all around the world. Instead of trying to focus so hard on what a person can learn in a few months we should encourage everyone to learn to love themselves first. 

Saturday, January 16, 2016

Bug List

1) Waking up extra early to catch the bus since it takes really long to get to campus.
Why does this bug exist? Because the bus has to make several stops and pick up a lot of people before reaching my destination

2) When my roommates slam their doors early in the morning i wake up and get irritated
Why does this bug exist? Because they are inconsiderate at times and don't realize that it wakes me up

3) When people that I know don't say hi to me and pretend that they don't know me
Why does this bug exist? They are rude people and think too highly of themselves

4) When my co-workers boss me around like they're my managers
Why does this bug exist? Because they take advantage of their position

5) When people don't have good hygiene
Why does this bug exist? They weren't taught to upkeep their hygiene or they just don't care

6) When my friends don't share things with me whether it's materialistic or verbal
Why does this bug exist? Because I never refuse to share and they're just greedy people

7) When my boyfriend goes out with his friends and doesn't invite me
Why does this bug exist? Because he wants to be alone with his friends

8) When people don't tip or undertip the server
Why does this bug exist? Because they've never been in a servers shoes before

9) When I'm driving and those around me don't give me the right of passage even though I ask for it with my signals
Why does this bug exist? Because people are selfish

10) Reckless drivers in the student parking lot or on campus in general, there are always so many people walking or riding their bikes so we should be extra careful
Why does this bug exist? Because they are in a rush or just were not taught to drive carefully

11) When my dog barks at strangers and doesn't stop, it's embarrassing
Why does this bug exist? Because she gets frightened and feels that she's in danger

12) Being in a group project with classmates who slack and expect their weight to be carried
Why does this bug exist? They're used to getting their way and don't feel like they have to try to succeed

13) Overpriced textbooks for college because it varies every year and you can never be too sure about how much money you'll need
Why does this bug exist? Our education has many flaws

14) When I have to do my eyeliner a thousand times before getting both eyes to look the same
Why does this bug exist? I need more practice and it's very difficult to be precise with eyeliner

15) When gas stations are packed on campus and I have to wait a while to be able to fill my tank
Why does this bug exist? Because Gainesville is tiny and everyone goes to the same gas station

16) When guys don't hold the door open for me and they see me right behind them
Why does this bug exist? Lack of chivalry and inconsiderate men who weren't raised right

17) When I buy something and then it goes on sale a week later
Why does this bug exist? The rate at which the United States produces merchandise is ridiculously fast

18) When my necklaces get tangled and it's impossible to untangle them so I just have to dispose of them
Why does this bug exist? Because I didn't separate the necklaces like I should have

19) When my phone dies on 30% of battery charge
Why does this bug exist? Because my phone is old and it doesn't cooperate with me

20) When i've been waiting for a parking spot for a while and someone just takes it from me
Why does this bug exist? Because they don't care that I've been waiting a lifetime and they know I can't really do anything about it

At first I didn't think that this assignment was going to be as difficult as I found it to be. I'm not used to thinking about things that bug me in this particular way.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Week 2 Reading Reflection

I found it surprising that entrepreneurship, or at least the idea of it, has been around since the eighteenth century. Many people (including myself) assume that entrepreneurship is a novelty. Most fail to see that it originated long ago and has since then grown into something greater. It has been improved and the definition has somewhat changed. Nonetheless, entrepreneurship in itself, has been around for a very long time and changing lives one idea at a time. All the different schools of thought and approaches were also a surprise to me. I had no idea that they even existed. It's great how much research, thought, and depth goes into entrepreneurship as a whole. It's refreshing to see how much one can learn from just one reading.
Although all the different schools of thought and approaches was something that surprised me about the reading, i still had some trouble understanding it all. I can only imagine how confusing it would be to someone who has no insight whatsoever about what being an entrepreneur takes. Regardless, I learned a lot from it and i'm sure I will gain further understanding as I read further into the book.
If I were able to ask the author two questions, I would ask what he considers to be the most crucial or impacting theory or approach on his life as an entrepreneur? Also, what would he encourage first time "gazelle" launchers to primarily focus on? 
I would be interested in knowing his responses to these questions because he seems like a very intellectual man and someone who has had a lot of experience in entrepreneurship. It seems to me that he knows mostly everything there is to know in regards to the foundations of entrepreneurship or being successful in this specific field. Obtaining some of his insight would be an honor honestly. I think it would open my eyes to things that a book or an article cannot answer for you. 
Also, I do not think the author was wrong about anything that he said. It all seemed pretty clear and straightforward. I did not doubt the information at all.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

My Entrepreneurship Story

I have been exposed to entrepreneurship many times in my life but I think that what has had the most impact is how i've made it possible for myself to get out there and show people my passion for makeup and beauty. I have been a part of many projects and new ideas but doing makeup for women for special occasions has taught me a lot and influenced me as an artist. I have failed here and there but I have gotten very far and cannot wait to see where I will go once I graduate from UF. I enrolled in this course because it is a requirement for my Innovation minor as well as the Entrepreneurship minor I am pursuing. I am ecstatic to learn more about how to put my ideas to the test and to accept failure. Being an entrepreneur is definitely not easy but i have no doubt that it is something I am on the road to becoming.