Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Unfortunately I did not do the second elevator pitch but the feedback I received from the first one was very helpful regardless. I was a lot more enthusiastic, I did not look at a paper or anything to guide me for the most part and I was a lot more specific about how Go-Go Rides would actually work.


  1. Hey, Isabella. As someone who uses a bike to get around, and is also environmentally-conscious, I have to say that your idea is quite brilliant. The only holes I can find would be the logistical challenges of finding space and locations for the kiosks, enforcing more rule/law compliance with the bicycle riding on and around campus, and actually getting the monetary investment to purchase the fleet of bicycles. Other than that, every aspect of this seems quite sound, and would give students 1. A workout, 2. Greater independence and better time management (less time spent commuting), and 3. You a profit. ;)

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Unfortunately every time I watch your video it breaks it up into 5 second clips and freezes. Im not sure if it was the video or me but I watched other people's videos no problem. From what I saw it looked good though.

  4. This seems like a very practical idea for college campuses everywhere. Not only does it provide students an easier mode of transportation but also a workout. I like the idea you have for hourly rates or customers can rent them for days based on a flat rate. Great work! Unfortunately, I missed this elevator pitch so I don't have a link to share.

  5. Hi Isabella!

    I absolutely love this idea, and if it were to ever be an actual business, I can guarantee I'd be a customer. However, I've heard that campus officers are a bit strict when it comes to biking on school grounds. I think it would be important to educate your customers on proper biking procedures/laws/rules so that people would be more likely to use your service without fear of receiving a ticket/citation. Another concern, what happens if I'm riding your bike and it breaks down?

  6. Hi Isabella!
    First things first, I think you 3rd elevator pitch was great! I watched your previous elevator pitched and they were really good. I feel that you took the advice people gave you and learned from it because I see a major improvement. You should check out my business blog here:
