Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.1

The name of my business is Go-Go Rides. It facilitates the lives of UF students. There will be multiple kiosks around campus that provide bikes available for rent at low hourly costs. Students will be able to pay with their gator 1 and will be allowed to rent and return as needed. Instructions will be provided at all kiosks to prevent confusion and/or troubles. Waivers must be signed by first time users so they can be aware of consequences of lost/stolen bicycles. This will help the environment and help students get around campus easily without having to worry about parking or bus schedules.


  1. Isabella I really like your idea for bike sharing. When I lived in Washington DC bike sharing was a very profitable business there. I used the bikes on several occasions because it was more convenient for someone like me who lived in a condo and did not have the space to store a bike. The business was so popular that even Derrick Rose from the Chicago Bulls rented a bike when he was in DC for a game. Great idea!
    Feel free to check out my blog post at http://tatument3003blog.blogspot.com/2016/02/elevator-pitch-no-1.html

  2. I live off campus so I have to generally walk a lot so the idea of renting bikes sounds like a good idea. Since there are too much people on campus there are times when you can't get on a bus due to a "full bus", therefore I think a alternative way of moving around campus is needed.

  3. Hi Isabella! I LOVE this idea!! So great. I didn't bring my bike to campus because I wasn't sure if I would always be able to store it somewhere, and I was also scared that it would get stolen. But with renting, I would be able to rent a bike for a couple hours for class and simply bring the bike back!

    Check out my blog if you want! http://lilliegilmoreent3003.blogspot.com/2016/02/elevator-pitch-no-1.html

  4. Isabella,
    Your idea is great. For most college kids getting around campus can be a struggle. Your idea would help eliminate the confusion with say parking areas( decals needed) and provide a more simpler and cheaper alternative. I like how you would require first time users to sign a waiver it for sure would help the customer understand the consequences if something were to occur.

  5. Hi! I thought the way you presented yourself with your attire, articulacy, and presentation was very professional and appropriate! I love your innovative way of transportation. Not to mention, it's eco-friendly! This is convenient and feasible especially when you're charging your Gator1! Overall, great job!

    Check out my Elevator Pitch No. 1!
