Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 11 Reading Reflection

I think that what was most surprising to me in this reading was that the big problem in the picture is that many companies fall into the trap of following the big innovators at the moment. Until i read this article, I did not realize that so many companies fail at keeping up with what kind of innovation would make them the most successful because they are just keeping up with the "trend". I found this article very interesting and absolutely nothing was confusing for me, just surprising more than anything. If i had to ask the author two questions, I would ask "In your opinion, what is the best way to approach someone who is stuck as far as exploring new ways of innovation goes?" and "Besides incorporating innovation to be successful, what do you deem as a very important factor for a successful business or company?". I do not disagree with anything the author said, I fount the article to be very informative.

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