Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

Donations: Financial Capital
  • A lot of my financial support and ability to launch Go-Go Rides will come from those who care about the wellbeing of UF students and who have the capital to do it in the first place. It is rare in the aspect that not many people solely rely on donations for their start-ups. I think that this is only imitable if one has something worth donating to. It is not easy to get others to donate to or invest in startup companies/services. There are means of financial capital and support such as loans ad out of pocket money but it is not easy to obtain or pay back.
Student Volunteers
  • As a service that is specifically for students, I am positive that students will be more than willing to volunteer and help set up kiosks/transport things. I do not think this is rare because students volunteer all the time and are more than willing to help others most of the time. Using student volunteers as a means of efficient/affordable production is definitely imitable but there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, there are other ways that i would be able to transport everything and make sure everything is running smoothly but not as affordable and practical
  • To spread the word and let students know about my service. I think it is rare because my brother would be the one behind all of this. I think it is imitable to a certain extent but it would be difficult to copy because it is so specific.There are definitely other resources that could provide me with the  same benefits but nothing gets better than having a family member help you out
Student Customers
  • I think it is rare to have such a specific service that solely targets students. It is valuable because there is no better feeling than being able to help those who are in sticky positions as far as transportation goes. It would be easy to copy but then again it is encouraged. I do not think that i could get the same benefits obtaining this resource elsewhere or from other people. 
Efficient finance handling
  • I think I would be very wise with how I use the donations and/or capital that I choose to use for Go-Go Rides. Ever since I was a little girl I have been very careful with how I spend money. I consider myself to be very responsible in that aspect, which is very rare. I could hire someone to monitor these finances for me but I feel that I am more than capable in doing it myself. 
Part-time jobs
  • All this time I have believed in a self-service kiosk for Go-Go Rides. I have realized that having at least one student at a time to help others would be much better. Not only would they monitor those renting the bikes but they would make sure that the honor code is always followed. Also, if anything goes wrong they could be there to help. My service would provide jobs but it is rare because it would be for students only. I could use other people but I think that it would be an easy and flexible schedule which could benefit students more than anyone.
Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • This is valuable because we would be helping the environment as well as our own bodies. This is very rare and I think it would be awesome if other people were so influenced that they decided to implement this kind of business elsewhere or in their own campus, if they are not UF students. 
Digital Charge
  • All charges would go to a students Gator 1 account. This way it is easy and one does not have to worry about having the money right then and there. There would be no paper involved in the transaction, in any way shape or form. This is not rare anymore because many services do this now a days but it would be very environment friendly, which is the point of the service in the first place.
  • As nice as it would be to have brand new bikes, I think that people will be more willing to help if they can donate older bikes. The money we receive from donations would go to the repairs, instead of spending so much money on a completely brand new bike. This is definitely rare and many self-service or bike rental services do not start up this way.
I think that my most important resource is the donations both financially and physically. The money donated would go towards the repairs of the bikes donated. So these two resources work hand in hand and I think that It could go very successfully if done correctly!


  1. Hi Isabella!

    When I started reading your article, without knowing anything about you or your idea, I was a little sckeptical because it immediately gave off the impression of taking advantage of others. After reading I came to a deeper understanding, and think you did a really good job laying out this assignment.

    Check out my blog post here, below:

  2. Hello Isabella, I like how you approached this assignment relating with your business concepts. I think crowd funding is a significant key to start up and keep the business afloat, therefore I believe that your resource will take an advantage of your business.
    I approach this assignment more about my personal resource and the connection takes up a large scale for me.
    Here is my post http://yukikokurashima.blogspot.com/2016/03/my-unfair-advantage-week11.html.

  3. Hey Isabella,

    I think that your idea is definitely very realistic, and I thought that the whole concept was very interesting. I think that overall it is a really great business venture, and I definitely think that using student volunteers would be a great idea. This would be a really great way to incentive students to participate and help market the business.

    Check out my blog if you’re interested!
