Sunday, March 27, 2016

Amazon Whisperer

  • My revenue drivers for Go-Go Rides are students specifically. By renting bikes on campus, they are the ones that would keep my service running through the income i receive.
  • I think that my service is very simple yet impacting. The next thing that customers would probably want is a mode of transportation besides a bike
  • I think that having something else to rent besides a bike to get around on campus would improve the popularity of my service, it would vary customer switching costs but not to the extent that it wouldn't be affordable. 
  • I would probably go for a skateboard for rental besides bikes 

  • This product has almost five stars and since I do not know much about these boards I was automatically drawn to the one with the highest ratings. Very few were unimpressed with this specific board. Apparently those who gave it the highest ratings said that it is very sturdy and reliable. Others say that the wood was absolutely terrible and that it broke very easily. Regardless, it was agreed (even in the critical reviews) that it was a good beginners board, which might be a good thing.
  • I do not know the first things about skateboards but if i had a way to make them a little faster or maybe more convenient to carry around i would.
  • I think that this product would make a good addition to my service because it would increase the popularity of my service and it would demonstrate how I want to reach all types of people and make an impact, not just bike lovers. I am aware that there are people who cannot ride bikes but maybe they can get the hang of a skateboard!

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Week 11 Reading Reflection

I think that what was most surprising to me in this reading was that the big problem in the picture is that many companies fall into the trap of following the big innovators at the moment. Until i read this article, I did not realize that so many companies fail at keeping up with what kind of innovation would make them the most successful because they are just keeping up with the "trend". I found this article very interesting and absolutely nothing was confusing for me, just surprising more than anything. If i had to ask the author two questions, I would ask "In your opinion, what is the best way to approach someone who is stuck as far as exploring new ways of innovation goes?" and "Besides incorporating innovation to be successful, what do you deem as a very important factor for a successful business or company?". I do not disagree with anything the author said, I fount the article to be very informative.

Tuesday, March 22, 2016

My Unfair Advantage

Donations: Financial Capital
  • A lot of my financial support and ability to launch Go-Go Rides will come from those who care about the wellbeing of UF students and who have the capital to do it in the first place. It is rare in the aspect that not many people solely rely on donations for their start-ups. I think that this is only imitable if one has something worth donating to. It is not easy to get others to donate to or invest in startup companies/services. There are means of financial capital and support such as loans ad out of pocket money but it is not easy to obtain or pay back.
Student Volunteers
  • As a service that is specifically for students, I am positive that students will be more than willing to volunteer and help set up kiosks/transport things. I do not think this is rare because students volunteer all the time and are more than willing to help others most of the time. Using student volunteers as a means of efficient/affordable production is definitely imitable but there is nothing wrong with it. Yes, there are other ways that i would be able to transport everything and make sure everything is running smoothly but not as affordable and practical
  • To spread the word and let students know about my service. I think it is rare because my brother would be the one behind all of this. I think it is imitable to a certain extent but it would be difficult to copy because it is so specific.There are definitely other resources that could provide me with the  same benefits but nothing gets better than having a family member help you out
Student Customers
  • I think it is rare to have such a specific service that solely targets students. It is valuable because there is no better feeling than being able to help those who are in sticky positions as far as transportation goes. It would be easy to copy but then again it is encouraged. I do not think that i could get the same benefits obtaining this resource elsewhere or from other people. 
Efficient finance handling
  • I think I would be very wise with how I use the donations and/or capital that I choose to use for Go-Go Rides. Ever since I was a little girl I have been very careful with how I spend money. I consider myself to be very responsible in that aspect, which is very rare. I could hire someone to monitor these finances for me but I feel that I am more than capable in doing it myself. 
Part-time jobs
  • All this time I have believed in a self-service kiosk for Go-Go Rides. I have realized that having at least one student at a time to help others would be much better. Not only would they monitor those renting the bikes but they would make sure that the honor code is always followed. Also, if anything goes wrong they could be there to help. My service would provide jobs but it is rare because it would be for students only. I could use other people but I think that it would be an easy and flexible schedule which could benefit students more than anyone.
Promoting healthy lifestyles
  • This is valuable because we would be helping the environment as well as our own bodies. This is very rare and I think it would be awesome if other people were so influenced that they decided to implement this kind of business elsewhere or in their own campus, if they are not UF students. 
Digital Charge
  • All charges would go to a students Gator 1 account. This way it is easy and one does not have to worry about having the money right then and there. There would be no paper involved in the transaction, in any way shape or form. This is not rare anymore because many services do this now a days but it would be very environment friendly, which is the point of the service in the first place.
  • As nice as it would be to have brand new bikes, I think that people will be more willing to help if they can donate older bikes. The money we receive from donations would go to the repairs, instead of spending so much money on a completely brand new bike. This is definitely rare and many self-service or bike rental services do not start up this way.
I think that my most important resource is the donations both financially and physically. The money donated would go towards the repairs of the bikes donated. So these two resources work hand in hand and I think that It could go very successfully if done correctly!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Wee 10 Reading Reflection

What I read that stood out the most as different from my expectations in this reading was that in the broad spectrum of things numbers are such a bigger part of sustaining ones own business and making sure it is successful. It seems to me that it is not inexpensive and it requires a lot of understanding. Personally, I am not someone who handles numbers very well so it is kind of scary. Regardless, I am sure that it is a skill one who applies themselves will acquire over time. I found all the information in this reading to be very straight forward and very well explained. I didn't think anything was confusing. If i were able to ask the author two questions I would ask him "What are specific instances or things that could cause the Accumulated depreciation of building to increase or be actually put into place?. Also, "Is this a common occurrence within businesses?". I personally do not think that the author was wrong about anything. 

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Elevator Pitch No. 3

Unfortunately I did not do the second elevator pitch but the feedback I received from the first one was very helpful regardless. I was a lot more enthusiastic, I did not look at a paper or anything to guide me for the most part and I was a lot more specific about how Go-Go Rides would actually work.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

My Secret Sauce

1) I think what makes me different is that I do everything out of love. The amount of patience I have is ridiculous, sometimes I am even surprised. It takes a lot for me to get angry and I never choose to let someone down. If it happens it is because of something unfortunate or out of my control but I try as hard as possible to always put others before myself. I think I care a lot, maybe sometimes too much but it is better than not caring at all. Regardless, I always need things to be perfect which drives me crazy at times because not all things can be. I also feel that my creativity is very diverse and I can adapt to many situations, I try to solve problems as fast as I can and always try to be happy no matter the circumstances. 

This video is of my roommate, Cristal. She believes that I am a dependable and reliable person. She also thinks I am motivated and ready to change anything in my life if it does not benefit me. 
This video is of my friend, Juliette. She thinks that I am different because I am independent and kind. Like Cristal, she says that I am reliable and willing to help others. Like I mentioned in the first part, she also says that I care a lot, which sometimes leads to freaking out because I need things to be perfect.

This video is of my roommate Arianna, it is very short but she feels that I am a very friendly person and I can adapt well.
This video is of my friend Michelle and she feels that can easily make someone feel welcomed and that I put others before myself.

3) I definitely think that my interviewees understand me very well and are right about me. They seem to understand that I have nothing but good intentions and how much I care about them! It makes me really happy and I do not think that I would change anything that I said about myself in the first part of the exercise.

Friday, March 11, 2016

Week 9 Reading Reflection

The biggest surprise for me in this week's reading is was that there are three different philosophies for marketing among new ventures. The one that i disagree with is "production-driven philosophy". In my opinion, it's too risky. I did not find anything confusing in this reading, it was very informative. If i had to ask the author two questions I would ask "Do you agree with the production-driven philosophy?" and "if you do, in what kind of scenario or for what kind of business would this type of philosophy be really successful if applied?". I do not disagree with anything that the author said. I felt that this reading was very relevant and a lot of it were things that I was already knowledgeable about.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 2

1) I am someone who cares a lot about people. I always put others before myself and try to make an impact in people's lives. I am someone who is very creative, considering I am a Visual Art Studies major. I see Go-Go Rides playing a role in my life for the better. It would help all UF students tremendously, this way I can impact every single person that uses my service.
2) With Go-Go Rides I am offering an easier way for students to get around more efficiently all around campus. I would solve unmet needs by facilitating getting to class on time. It would really benefit everyone on the UF campus with a Gator 1. Anyone with their Gator 1 would be able to rent bikes all around campus for a low cost.
3) I am offering my service to anyone on campus with a Gator 1, specifically students. Students who are not so good at managing their time or maybe just have bad luck with the bus system. 
4) There is no reason why any UF student would not appreciate my service. I think it would be very beneficial to all students. They would care for my service because it would be provided at a very low cost and it would be very easy to use as well as accessible. 
5) I think that I am very driven and my ability to help others and be involved with the community is special. 

I definitely think that all of these elements fit together. There might be something like this that already exists but not many know about it and it is not something used by many. I would like to make it popular and make it an actual service that all students are aware of. I do not think that there are any aspects which are weak or out-of-joint with the others. I am very eco-friendly and care just a much about the students at my university. I wish to make an impact all around. 

Feedback memo:
  1. Students appreciate the idea 
  2. Students hope to see this idea be put into effect 
  3. Some students believe that this type of business or service might already exist somewhere on campus but it is not well known or used so I should go for it!
  4. Unmet need for many on campus
  5. It would solve many problems for students