Sunday, February 28, 2016

Week 8 Reading Reflection

1) The biggest surprise for me in this reading were all the different types of financing. The one that stood out the most was the equity financing. I think it's great that it's the complete opposite from debt financing since it is money that one does not have to pay back or any interest. What shocked me is that the entrepreneurs must give up a part of the ownership.
2) I did not find any part of the reading confusing
3) If I were able to ask the author a question I would ask "Is equity financing worth going through, even though one must give up part of the ownership to the business?".
4) I do not think the author was wrong about anything, i do not disagree with anything i read for this week's chapter. 

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Half-way Reflection

1) The behaviors I have used to keep up with the requirements of this course include lots of time management and thinking outside of the box.
2) As a student taking 17 credits, involved in extracurricular activities, and with a job I can definitely say that there have been plenty of moments in which i felt like giving up. The only thing that pulled me through was constantly reminding myself that I am in this no matter what and that I can do anything that I set my mind to. I know that all this hard work will only pay off in the future. It has not been easy but it so worth it. Believing in yourself is the most important factoring in being a successful student.
3) Three tips I would offer net semester's students about fostering the skills that support tenacity and developing the 'tenacious mindset' are to 1) Manage your time wisely. Write everything down and take one day at a time. 2) Don't overwork yourself, you'll regret it later. Yeah school is very important but without your health there won't be any school to look forward to. 3) Stay strong and make sure you complete things on time. Don't procrastinate!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Week 7 Reading Reflection

The biggest surprise for me in this reading was all the different types of segmentation and how customers are heavily influenced and impacted. The only thing that confused me was how non-demographic segmentation is no longer seen as necessary or even useful. If i could ask the author two questions I would ask "What do you think is the most effective way to gauge a customers attention enough to make them solely rely on a company/business?" and "What advice do you have for business starters who are trying to stick to one type of segmentation?". I did not find anything that stood out enough for me to disagree with the author.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week 6 Reading Reflection

1) The biggest surprise for me in this reading was that there are different forms of competition that can hurt more than they can help. Many times I think that competition is a good thing yet I rarely stop and think about the consequences it can have. I didn't think that anyone would ever pay so much thought to that.
2) The only thing that was confusing for me in this reading was the barriers to entry section.
3) I do not have any questions for the author for this weeks reading
4)I do not think that the author was wrong about anything in this reading. It was very informative and definitely not opinion-based so i cannot say that I disagree with anything.

Customer Interviews No. 3

Unfortunately I only got around to interviewing two people for this third round of interviews. I hadn't done neither of the two previous rounds. I think that asking specific questions would have been better and i would have gotten more insight into what people thought about my Go-Go Rides idea. However, I enjoyed getting blunt and straight to the point answers after handing them my index card with my business idea on it.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Idea Napkin No. 1

1) I am a Colombian first-generation student pursuing a visual arts studies BA with a double minor in innovation and entrepreneurship. As the daughter of an artist, I am someone who has learned to be patient and a perfectionist in all I do. I have many aspirations other than in my position in the art world. I want to be someone who can help others and facilitate lives. I think that Go-Go Rides would play a role in my life in the sense that it would fulfill helping people through providing transportation for students. 
2) My business targets a specific group of customers: UF students. I'll solve students' unmet needs by providing an alternative and easy mode of transportation. Being able to rent bikes in several places around campus will make everything ten times easier for students.
 3) As I previously stated, my customers would all be students. Only people who attend UF and have an active Gator 1 Card can rent the bikes on campus.  
4) I believe that my solution is valuable to all my potential customers. I think that they would actually pay money to use my service because it is only benefiting and applies to every UF student, whether they live on campus or not. I mean, who wouldn't want to get to class on time without a doubt?
5) I think that this idea has been though of by many but has not been implemented. What sets me apart from everyone else is that I believe in myself and that possibilities are endless. If i put my mind to something, I won't quit until I obtain it. 
In all honesty, I do believe that all of the elements I plan on incorporating in my business fit together. As a determined and motivated person who has nothing but good intentions, a business to solely help students like myself is nothing but a reward. I do not think that there are any weak aspects to my business idea. It will benefit all students, day and night. I think it could really impact the way the University functions on a day-to-day basis. 

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Week 5 Reading Reflection

What surprised me the most in the reading was the charts showing the external and internal problems that entrepreneurs experience. As a visual it was really successful in getting the information across. The only part of the reading that I didn't quite understand was when the author was explaining the feasibility approaches. If I were able to ask the author two questions I would ask "Do you think that it's possible for the problems in the list of "Types and Classes of First-Year problems" to prolong and be present in further years if the company/firm succeeds?" and "In your opinion, should an entrepreneur wait to get started on a business or enterprise if they do not have at least $100,000 to start up?". I would ask the author these questions because I would like to get an opinion from someone who is so knowledgeable about this subject and knows exactly what one should do in entrepreneurial situations. Personally I do not think the author was wrong about anything, I like the way he breaks things down and supports his facts with research. 

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Elevator Pitch No.1

The name of my business is Go-Go Rides. It facilitates the lives of UF students. There will be multiple kiosks around campus that provide bikes available for rent at low hourly costs. Students will be able to pay with their gator 1 and will be allowed to rent and return as needed. Instructions will be provided at all kiosks to prevent confusion and/or troubles. Waivers must be signed by first time users so they can be aware of consequences of lost/stolen bicycles. This will help the environment and help students get around campus easily without having to worry about parking or bus schedules.